How to apply


Thank you for considering Gulf Breeze Montessori School! We value the partnership between your family and our school, and look forward to getting to know you, and your child, during the admissions process.


(850) 565-4740


1. Get to know us

The first step is learning about us from our website and completing the inquiry form here. Our Head of School will contact you to schedule a tour or call, and send you some information via email as you research more deeply into who we are, what we believe, and how we Montessori. Our tours are one on one with the Head of School, last about an hour, and include the opportunity to ask your questions. 

2. Apply and attend a Montessori Morning

If we seem like the kind of early learning experience you are looking for, we will invite you to apply and invoice you for the $100 application fee. After this is paid, you will be connected with your studio’s lead guide via email to schedule a Montessori Morning. These are 9 am visits where you and your child can experience the classroom environment up close, watch what child-centered and self-directed looks and feels like, get acquainted with our routine, and begin to bond with classmates and teachers. Montessori Mornings are followed up with a call from our Head of School. 

3. Accept our invitation to enroll

If we are an excellent fit for your family and your child is likely to thrive here, you will receive an invitation to enroll via email. If you choose to return the enrollment agreement, we will invoice you for the $500 enrollment deposit. A start date will be chosen, we will gather the necessary paperwork, and we will ensure you are connected with the teaching team so you have support as you prepare for your first day of school.