With a priority on time in nature and attention to social-emotional wellbeing, our mission is to offer our gulf coast families a high-fidelity Montessori education where children grow into creative, self-directed, and curious humans.

“The child is truly a miraculous being, and this should be felt deeply by the educator.”


– Maria Montessori


Our campus is quickly expanding. We started 5 years ago with two studios in a single building on a beautiful, live oak filled property. We have since acquired the building immediately to our west, and we’ll soon have another exciting announcement to share.

Growth takes time, resources, and most importantly patience. We are on our way towards creating a world class campus in our little town of Gulf Breeze. 

A big thanks to B&A Architectural Group for designing our future 5,600 SF addition to our main building!


Radical Transparency – We share openly and honestly in all communication and never purposefully withhold information.

Friendliness – We extend grace and courtesy to everyone in the community.

Wholeness – We seek alignment across all programs in our speech, written word, practices, materials, schedules, curriculum, policies and procedures.

Personal Responsibility – We take responsibility for our relationships, roles, responsibilities, choices, and outcomes.

Strong Systems – We build strong systems and continually refine and adjust them when we feel a gap between where we are and where we could be.

Honest Talk – We talk to one another, not about one another.

Our philosophy

We are committed to the child-centered approach

We cater to children’s natural curiosity and developmental stages; everything about our programs is child-led. Most of our work and lessons are given individually and in small groups. One will likely hear children’s voices, not adults, in our studios.

We offer freedom within limits

Our children are free to choose activities within a structured environment. This encourages independence and self-regulation as young children learn to make choices and explore their interests. We enforce ground rules with love and compassion; when mistakes are made, we are friendly with error and ensure there is learning in the repair.

We use beautiful Montessori materials

Each child-led space is filled with specially designed Montessori materials that are hands-on, sensory-rich, and sequentially structured to support the child’s learning and development across various domains and curriculum areas.

We are intentional about our prepared environment

Our studios are organized to promote order, repetition, mastery, and appreciation of beauty. Each space is carefully curated to stimulate exploration, concentration, and a sense of calm. Furniture is child-sized, and materials are made of wood, metal, fabric, and other natural materials.

We adhere to mixed-age groupings

Mixed-age groups allow younger children to observe and learn from older peers, and older children reinforce their learning by helping younger ones.

We honor the role of the guide

Our Montessori-trained guides facilitate and collaborate rather than instruct. They observe each child closely, provide individualized lessons based on developmental readiness, and encourage independence and problem-solving skills.

We trust and respect children

Each child is an individual with unique needs, strengths, and interests. Our programs aim to nurture each child’s innate desire to learn and grow at their own pace. Earlier and typical is not better.

We see our adult community as partners, not patrons

We hope for strong partnerships with parents and provide opportunities for parent education, observation, and involvement in their child’s learning journey.

We embrace the whole child

Ultimately, an early childhood Montessori program aims to foster the child’s holistic development—spiritual, cognitive, social, emotional, and physical—laying a foundation for lifelong learning and a positive attitude towards education.

We value time outdoors in nature

Our children get ample unstructured outdoor time, and we are proud of our wild outdoor space under live oaks. We run, climb, jump, build, organize loose parts, care for bunnies, ride bikes and scooters, play in water hoses, plant in gardens, and splash in the rain. Fresh air, dirt, living creatures, space to roam, and healthy risk-taking are a part of each school day.

A Message From Our Head of School

We are a small private school for families who want something unique. You’ll find no little desks or teachers lecturing children here! Side by side, we follow each child as they self-direct during long periods of uninterrupted work and unstructured play. Children spin in the rain, climb trees, dig holes, water vegetables, independently choose learning materials, concentrate without interruption, speak freely, process their ups and downs, nap hard, repair with a friendliness toward error, and best of all, the children trust and love each other as a bonded community, unified and liberated in a child-centered space free from coercion and stress.

We are a proud IMC Member School with big plans. From the beginning, our founders’ vision was a school by the sea, under the oaks, where Montessori and nature guide each day. Check out our website. Give us a call. Come and observe. If it’s high-fidelity Montessori in a space run by a non-hierarchical group of peaceful adults who are solution oriented and innovative, we might be exactly what you are looking for.

– Natalie Baginski, M.Ed